surya bonaly enceinte

surya bonaly enceinte

Surya Bonaly: Well, I did start skating because of my mom, actually. TV Announcers: Bonaly has chosen not to stand on the podium. Surya Bonaly: And usually you skate, you perform, you smile in front of the camera, boom, they give you the marks. Surya Bonaly a dmnag Minneapolis, dans le Minnesota, o elle vit avec son petit ami, et a endoss le rle dentraneur pour un groupe de jeunes espoirs amricains quelle forme dans ltat du Minnesota. Jad Abumrad: So she gave you the thumbs up that we got it right. She continues to do ice shows occasionally, but right now I think the main thing that she's doing, she's coaching. Latif Nasser: So she would go to these ice shows-. The installment covered Bonaly facing racism in a primarily white sport and her decision to do a backflip at the Olympics, even though it was not allowed. Bonaly's outspoken style sets her apart among mild-mannered Minnesotans, Biver noted. Latif Nasser: Well I asked her. Or maybe now will be nice if we'll do maybe four times a week. It's a good story that pops off of, it's like-. Tracie Hunte: She does a back flip. Olympian Surya Bonaly may be best remembered for rattling the judges during her 1998 Nagano Olympics free program when shegasp!performed a backflip. If someone else did it later in a competition, I would have been pissed because I was kind of the one who created it, so now it's in everyone's memory! Surya Bonaly: Well, you know. Those top three ladies: Oksana, Nancy, Lu-. If anything, I felt more like, man, it really must suck to be the only black woman skating at that kind of level, and not really understand why things are happening. Frustrated at every turn, she faced disappointment after disappointment until at last, with the whole world . Therefore when the judges fired back at her flip with technical marks ranging from 4.8 to 5.3 and presentation scores from 4.9 to 5.3 that dropped Bonaly from sixth to 11th place, the skater didn . And it's more like empathy. Latif Nasser: Did you feel like any of it was about race? Ela foi trs vezes medalhista de prata do Campeonato Mundial (1993-1995), conquistou cinco medalhas de ouro e uma de prata em campeonatos europeus e foi eneacampe do campeonato nacional francs. She would be scratchy. It was hers for the taking. Latif Nasser: Powerfulness versus prettiness. La diffusion du documentaire Noirs en France ce mardi sur France 2 a fait ressurgir des souvenirs douloureux pour certains Franais, l'image de la mdaille d'argent de Surya Bonaly aux . Artistic impression. Marie-Renie Le: And the majority of the people didn't want a black skater as-. Media in category "Surya Bonaly" The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total. Kirsten: Hi there, this is Kirsten recording from Orlando, Florida. Marie-Renie Le: No. Que l'on en soit victimes, tmoins, auteurs, complices ou proches, ces violences nous concernent toustes, et les . Did she get nailed? Also, she says you're supposed to land all your jumps on one foot. Tonya Harding: She was just so exciting, and there was just no boundaries for her. Bonaly credited her ability to perform triple jumps with ease to her gymnastics background. Latif Nasser: The sound I have in my head is like a hockey stop. And for us non-skaters, that's one of the challenges of the story, trying to see is that a legit criticism? It's mine. TV Interviewers: Why did you not accept the medal? However, Bonaly, nine-time French national champion from 1989-97 and five-time European champion from 1991-95, was the first to attempt this jump ever, paving the way for today's athletes.She landed a quad salchow, but under-rotated it by only a quarter-rotation, at the 1992 Olympics. Figure Skating. They didn't know what to do with me. Black?". Surya Bonaly: She did good, she did good. There's such jumping ability. Latif Nasser: But there is this kind of ironic thing, I guess, which is that if you took her and you put her in competition today, if she was competing on the world stage today, she would would probably do better than she did back then. Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Krulwich. "When I turned professional, I felt coming to Vegas was the place to be with entertainment, learning new things, maybe getting into a show here I love skating and really my dream is to open up my own skating academy in Las Vegas with different professional skaters, with some big names and I'm sure we could do that. ', raconte lathlte. And in a 5-4 decision-. Search instead in Creative? if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { TV Announcers: Flowers for Katarina! It's shady as (beep). Sandra Bezic: No, no, no, no. These are all just words to me. Tracie Hunte: Or, is this just a way of saying that she's black? See Figure Skater Surya Bonaly Now, 24 Years After Her Last Olympics, Franck Seguin/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images, See Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan Now, 28 Years After Her Last Olympics. It's a glide. TV Announcers: And she finishes her program with her back to the judges. Latif Nasser: Out of the picture. Fortunately I was good at it. ", Latif Nasser: And so, on the final day-, Tracie Hunte: She says that between-, Surya Bonaly: Medicine, massage, acupuncture, pills-. Je suis bien plac en ce moment. Bonaly even learned the jump without a harness, a tool that pulls skaters towards the ceiling using a rope . And she didnt seem to care about artistry. Latif Nasser: Was this all going through your mind as you were skating? But, she did that here. Christian Estrosi, le maire de Nice, est celui qui la oubli. ", Bonaly has also opened up about being one of few Black skaters, and how she doesn't know how much racism may have affected her career. If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing Surya Bonaly a annonc sa retraite de la comptition amateur en 1998, aprs les Jeux olympiques dhiver de Nagano au Japon. En 2015, elle accorde sa confiance nos confrres : Comme le montre le fait que jaurais prfr passer mon aprs-carrire en France, qui est mon pays dorigine ! Surya Bonaly: Because it's not my place, and I'm just disappointed. Unlike her competitors ice princesses who hid behind demure smilesSurya made her feelings known. It came down to a choice between Yuka Sato's artistry and dynamic footwork and Surya Bonaly's gymnastic jumping, and the judges gave the women's world figure skating championship to Sato Saturday . Jad Abumrad: The piece was produced by Matt Kielty. Tracie Hunte: Were they saying out loud? Surya Bonaly: I think it was more like a point of saying this is it. TV Announcers: I think this is a form of protest. Surya Bonaly: Yeah. Latif Nasser: Wow. (Mme si les rglements de lISU interdisent actuellement aux patineuses dinclure des sauts en quad dans le programme court, elles sont autorises le faire dans le programme libre.) It was a totally different approach. Tracie Hunte: Is that there's this fundamental tension in the sport of figure skating between artistry on one side and athleticism on the other. Now 48, Bonaly is retired from competitive skating, but she's still involved with the sport and has spoken out recently about her career. Johnette Howard: They want these people to look like little ballerinas but leap into these jumps like predators. Jad Abumrad: How did Surya feel about all this? I know I'm going to crash, I can't do it, my leg is not with me any more.". Latif Nasser: And that she had, that she, what was it? Jad Abumrad: Producers Latin Nasser and Tracie Hunt. Surya Bonaly dazzled figure skating fans with her skill, but being black in a mostly white sport made it tough to be fairly judged on the world stage. You cantake the survey we mentioned at the beginning of this episode here: you! Latif Nasser: And you could either of see it as a kind of-. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, totally. What is that about? Tonya Harding: She had the stepping, the gliding, the running. Jad Abumrad: Special thanks to Vanessa Riley, Moira North, skaters Elisa Angeli, and Christian Erwin from The Ice Theater of New York, and to Ed Haber for recording it all, and a very heartfelt thanks to Marilyn Wiggins. En plus davoir dcroch un palmars quasi ingal en patinage tricolore bien quil se soit vu refuser une mdaille olympique pour cause de blessure Surya Bonaly peut se vanter davoir invent une figure dsormais considre comme classique mais interdite en comptition, une variante du salto arrire , qui porte son nom. Tracie Hunte: That she never cut her hair. Those are as high as any we've seen. Les rgles du sport sont impntrables et peuvent parfois tre un peu injustes. I had the courage to say because she was black. "I've been in Las Vegas since end of 1999," she told CY Interview in 2020. Surya Bonaly: No, I was a kid, I was like, whatever, my coach Gailhaguet, he's the one who speak English-. And she's trying to be more graceful, more beautiful, more elegant. Ctait comme, H, je peux faire des triples, alors quelle est la prochaine ? TV Announcers: She's heartbroken. "I don't know if race made it more difficult, but it. Loads and loads of technical difficulty. And that makes someone like Surya much more vulnerable. Robert Krulwich: She came in second, that's not bad. Tracie Hunte: In her routine there were these moments where it just looks like she was sort of skipping across the ice, just very balletic moves. Surya Bonaly 1973 - Figure skater. And I was like "Surya, just get on the podium, take the medal". Puoi creare e condividere la tua playlist riunendo video da diverse piattaforme. Closing Credits: End of message. Robert Krulwich: The question would be: What if you, with all your heart, wanted to be the best at something? Latif Nasser: So she ends up finishing 10th. Il faut prciser que lancienne gymnaste tait bien consciente du fait que le backflip est interdit en patinage artistique depuis 1976 du fait quil ncessite un atterrissage sur les deux patins. 10 minutes people thinking about "What should we do?" The claim that Surya Bonaly, a French figure skater who rose to prominence in the early-mid 90s, was the reason the backflip was banned from figure skating is false. Tracie Hunte: Outside of competition she would do these ice shows and exhibitions, and that's when you would see what she can really do. Je navais aucune ide que je serais la premire femme raliser un quad, a dclar Bonaly dans une interview avec TIME de Las Vegas, o elle est maintenant entraneure plein temps. Rerouting, okay we have to go right now! They rewarded skaters who performed a series of complicated, at times delicate - and approved - ice skating moves. TV Announcers: When you can see disparity from the judges, a 5.7-. It is available for viewing on YouTube as "Backflips on the Ice" and includes Olympic champions Robin Cousins, Brian Orser, Scott Hamilton, Surya Bonaly, and more. Tracie Hunte: I just felt empathy for her. And still, what do you need more of me to do at this point? We just mic'ed up a bunch of really good figure skaters. Because there are no scratches. She won a 1986 World Trampoline Championships silver medal for France in team tumbling at age 12. It's okay. Latif Nasser: No, no back flips, sadly. Met Surya at Juniors, 1990. Bonaly quickly became a star in France, winning the first of her nine national titles as a 15-year-old in 1989 while working on her quad jump. Surya Bonaly revealed in a recent interview that she has been living in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the past 16 months She moved there to be with her fiance, professional skating coach Peter. [emailprotected]. I haven't got a good word for it. I still follow my passion!". Latif Nasser: And then what comes to her is that there is this move that she has in her repertoire that she can do, but it's illegal. TV Announcers: Oh, this is a first for me, that's for sure. Surya Bonaly: It's [inaudible 00:29:43]. Tracie Hunte: Yeah at the various European Championships, Skate America. Latif Nasser: She said, "Never mind, that's life, I'm used to it.". There's a line on a court, and it's either inside or it's outside. So okay, so we're starting in 1998. TV Interviewers: Do you feel you were robbed tonight? But on that scale, to be the only one. Tracie Hunte: For various reasons. Bonaly, en revanche, na jamais cess de dfier les rgles souvent trop svres du patinage artistique tout au long de sa carrire sportive, bien quil nait jamais remport lor olympique dans ce sport. Really I was so messed up. There was this one time we found on YouTube where she boos the judges-. Elvis Stojko: I felt bad for her because I know what she was going through, where you know you outskated your competitor, and they just wouldn't give it to you. TV Announcers: Raw talent there. V roce 1998 na zimnch olympijskch hrch v Naganu pedvedla jako jedin olympionika v historii salto vzad na jedn noze. It's like a computer, if I would have missed something, a jump, I say, "Okay, here, I can fit a triple here, obviously I can do a combo triple triple. TV Announcers: She competed for France in 1994 and just missed the podium. Tracie Hunte: Oksana Bayul got gold-, TV Announcers: Nancy Kerrigan is physically-, Tracie Hunte: Nancy Kerrigan got silver, Chen Lu got the bronze, and fourth place was Surya. sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices. Jaurais aim moccuper de la relve. Surya Bonaly is a 10-time French figure skating champion, 5-time European figure skating champion, 3-time Olympian (1992, 1994 & 1998), and a 3-time World Figure Skating silver medalist. Tracie Hunte: Out of the picture. Surya Bonaly: Especially for ladies, they like to keep the girls pretty. Latif Nasser: Warming up on the ice, you have this woman, this figure skater, Surya Bonaly. Melissa O'donnell, Kelsey Padgett, Sandra Bezic: Arianne Wack, and Molly Webster, with help from Alexandra Lee Young, Tonya Harding: Tracie Hunt, Stephanie Tam, and Micah Loewinger. Tracie Hunte: She would see all these famous skaters. And there's no end to what she might achieve. Tracie Hunte: So it's a jump forward, but rewind, we're in Nagano, Japan, 1998 Winter Olympics. Latif Nasser: How are you doing? Tracie Hunte: According to her, they would say the kind of things like she was too muscular, or she wasn't elegant enough. It was not perfect because nobody is perfect, but pretty good competition overall. Latif Nasser: She said that she backed Surya. Bonaly, a French figure skater, had been doing backflips since the 1980s out of competition. Surya Bonaly: They're like, "Oh, well, you did it on one foot." Surya Bonaly was born on December 15, 1973, in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France. Surya Bonaly: I had a special thing in my backpack and said, "Hey, I can do it. Tracie Hunte: And then she got to this point where she just knew she couldn't do it. Jad Abumrad: What did she say there? For years a sport dominated by whites, women ' s amateur figure skating has recently seen the rise of several talented black athletes. Elvis Stojko: Like oh my go, holy (bleep), she's actually doing this? Latif Nasser: But when we ask people, "Did she change the sport? "Sans lui, sans elle " ralis par Claude Couderc - Dargoole cerca e cataloga i video presenti sui pi famosi portali di video sharing del Web. Latif Nasser: Elvis Stojko, too. Elvis Stojko: I didn't want to skate like what they wanted skating to look like. Ils refltent galement un athltisme croissant dans le patinage artistique fminin, que Bonaly a tent de stimuler tout au long de sa comptition carrire. She was going to take it. I skate good, but somehow, it's not for me. Absolutely. Tracie Hunte: A lot of them were like, "Eh". She's not elegant. There are different sounds. Radiolab is supported in part by the Alfred P. Sloane Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. Latif Nasser: The figure skating official who was giving out the medals, he gives Yuka the gold, puts it around her neck, but then when he turns to Surya, he just sort of stands there, looks at her. It's a three-month show I'm proud to star in even though I'm getting old. Stories, right? Surya Bonaly: I know I did my best, I did everything. Matt Kielty: It's a back flip! When the French international figure skater stepped onto the ice in the 1990s, the skating field was overwhelmingly white. Wait. As Surya blows up, and all these people who never liked figure skating fall in love with her, over and over-. Latif Nasser: Because it's a great story! What happens? And that is our sport, which leads to Surya. Tracie Hunte: So, Surya was actually adopted as a baby by this white couple in the south of France. Thanks. Lancien champion ouvrira les festivits du Nol camarguais 2017 Aigues-Mortes le 15 dcembre 19h, prsentera une exposition Antibes le 16 dcembre 17h30, et ddicacera la nouvelle patinoire Nmes le 22 dcembre. Latif Nasser: Eventually after about four and a half minutes, she finishes her skate-, TV Announcers: Surya Bonaly, to Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Jad Abumrad: Do you have any idea what you're saying right now? But, In Surya's case. Latif Nasser: And it wasn't just that she looked different, she also skated differently. In fact-. But, I can kind of see where he was going because what he was trying to do, was that he was trying to present her to the world as this radically new kind of skater. Jad Abumrad: She swings one leg over-. Now it's down to the judges as to whether the gold medal belongs to Sato of Japan or Bonaly of France. Tracie Hunte: Middle finger to the establishment, like this huge F U. Tracie Hunte: Just this beautiful moment of self-affirmation. Latif Nasser: And the salchows and the double salchows and the you know, quadruple double triple axels. Respect Sorya, je vous ai toujours admir, quelle carrire, et le salto arrire restera longtemps grav dans notre ma mmoire ! He says something, but you can't hear what it is. Stop now. Marie-Renie Le: Marie-Reine Le Gougne speaking. RELATED:See Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan Now, 28 Years After Her Last Olympics. TV Interviewers: Are they unfair to you Surya? Sandra Bezic: Our fact checkers are Eva Dasher, and Michelle Harris. "I know you don't want me to, but I'm going to do this anyway." Hailing from Nice, France, her adoptive parents named her after the Sankrit word for "the sun." Shining athletically from an early age, she burst onto . That's okay. Latif Nasser: Cause it's really dangerous. If I don't, do you kill me? Surya (Bonali NDLR.) "A stunning back flip," Newsday wrote, 20 years ago this week. Tracie Hunte: They're professional figure skaters. Next skater. Latif Nasser: I think she did. Produced by Matt Kielty with help from Tracie Hunte. Georges Ayache, crivain et avocat, a rsid Nice. But when I asked Surya if that's what was happening, she said-. Tracie Hunte: Soaring through the air. Between my legs and my achilles, I was a disaster. Latif Nasser: Injuries, and some turned pro and stuff, but whatever. Latif Nasser: Let's dive. Tracie Hunte: So the judging system in figure skating goes from zero to six. Surya Bonaly is a three-time World silver medalist in figure skating, a five-time European champion, the 1991 World Junior Champion and a nine-time French. It's a sound that we all love. Tracie Hunte: That's Tonya Harding again. Latif Nasser: Now, we should say that wasn't the sound of Surya skating, or any of those other people. This week, we lace up our skates and tell a story about loving a sport that doesnt love you back, and being judged in front of the world according to rules you dont understand. Bonaly participated in three Winter Olympics, and though she never medalled at the Games, she is still considered one of the greats from the sport, as the five-time European champion and winner of . Sandra Bezic: Well, I think the idea that was held back in her marks for any other reason other than the quality of her skating I think is incorrect. Surya Bonaly: My mom was a sport coach and she was about to be like a volunteer for a gymnastic club and skating club. Skaters who performed a backflip the whole world just So exciting, and it 's a jump forward but. For her were robbed tonight though I 'm just disappointed So okay, So we 're Nagano... 'S what was it this one time we found on YouTube where she boos the judges- who a! Bonaly even learned the jump without a harness, a rsid Nice no end what... Me to do this anyway. So, Surya Bonaly: she competed for France in team at... Category & quot ; Newsday wrote, 20 Years ago this week diverse! 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