train crash 66 years later

train crash 66 years later

At least 36 people were killed in a train crash in northeast Greece and 66 more were injured, the local fire department said. Between 2013 and 2019, 150 people died in such incidents, according to local media reports. WATCH: Emergency teams examine the aftermath of a train crash in northeast Greece. !i&&"true"===i.toString(),t.sources[e].label||(t.sources[e].label=e.toString()),t.sources[e]=(0,r.Z)(t.sources[e])}return t.sources=t.sources.filter(Boolean),a(t.tracks)||(t.tracks=[]),a(t.captions)&&(t.tracks=t.tracks.concat(t.captions),delete t.captions),,t}},7263:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{Z:()=>c});var r=n(1643),i=n(7941),o=n(6769),s=n(6886),a=n(328),l=n(4446);const c=function(){const e=Object.assign(this,a.ZP),t=function(t){t instanceof l.rG&&!t.code&&(t=new l.rG(l.ul,0)),e.trigger(,t)},n=function(n){try{const t=n.responseXML?n.responseXML.childNodes:null;let s,a=null;if(t){for(let e=0;e{t(i)}))},this.destroy=function(){}}},8320:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{ZP:()=>v,s7:()=>f,T5:()=>y,YF:()=>h,_:()=>g,bx:()=>m});const r={none:!0,metadata:!0,auto:!0},i=(e,t)=>r[e]?e:r[t]?t:"metadata";var o=n(393),s=n(6053),a=n(2303),l=n(4446);const c=(e,t)=>void 0===e?t:e,u=(e,t,n)=>{n in t&&(e[n]=t[n])},d=(e,t)=>{const{attributes:n}=t,{sources:r,allSources:o,preload:a,drm:l}=e,d=c(e.withCredentials,n.withCredentials);return(o||r).map((function(t){if(t!==Object(t))return null;u(t,n,"androidhls"),u(t,n,"hlsjsdefault"),u(t,n,"safarihlsjs"),((e,t,n)=>{if(e.liveSyncDuration)return;const r=t.liveSyncDuration?t:n;u(e,r,"liveSyncDuration")})(t,e,n),u(t,n,"_hlsjsProgressive"),t.preload=i(t.preload,a);const r=t.drm||l||n.drm;r&&(t.drm=r);const o=c(t.withCredentials,d);return void 0!==o&&(t.withCredentials=o),(0,s.Z)(t)})).filter(Boolean)},p=(e,t)=>{t&&t.choose||(t=new a.Z);const n=((e,t)=>{for(let n=0;n{const r=e.getProviders(),o=e.get("preload"),s=e.get("jwStart"),a=Object.assign({},t);if(a.preload=i(t.preload,o),a.allSources=d(a,e),a.sources=p(a.allSources,r),a.sources.length)return a.file=a.sources[0].file,a.feedData=n,a.starttime=-1!==s&&e.get("generateSEOMetadata")?s:a.starttime,(e=>{const t=e.sources[0].liveSyncDuration;return t&&(e.liveSyncDuration=e.dvrSeekLimit=t),e})(a)},f=(e,t,n)=>{const r=Object.assign({},n);return delete r.playlist,>h(t,e,r))).filter(Boolean)},g=e=>{if(!Array.isArray(e)||0===e.length)throw new l.rG(l.ul,630)},m=(e,t)=>{let n=(parseInt(e,10)||0)%t;return n<0&&(n+=t),n},y=(e,t)=>p(d(e,t),t.getProviders()),v=function(e){return(Array.isArray(e)?e:[e]).map(o.Z)}},6053:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{Z:()=>o});var r=n(7034),i=n(2957);const o=function(e){if(!e||!e.file)return;const t=Object.assign({},{default:!1,type:""},e);t.file=(0,i.fy)(`${t.file}`);const n=/^[^/]+\/(?:x-)? 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At least 36 people were killed when a passenger train carrying more than 350 people collided with a freight train on Tuesday evening, shortly before midnight, in Tempi, central Greece, near the city of Larissa, the Greek Fire Service said. At least 36 people were killed when a passenger train carrying more than 350 people collided with a freight train on Tuesday evening, shortly before midnight, in Tempi, central Greece, near the. A 50-year anniversary. "The front door opened and my husband walked in and I said 'oh you haven't gone to work?' "height": 360, Plan ahead when choosing a route. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact the customer support team at 1-833-248-7801. just a struggling college student! Always expect a train. The government has blamed human error, and a railway . Recent Train Accidents Amtrak Train Derailment Near Mendon, Missouri Kills Four, Injures 150 - June 27, 2022 An Amtrak train crashed into a dump truck at an uncontrolled rail crossing and derailed outside of Mendon, Missouri. Kantouris reported from Thessaloniki, Greece. "s":""}, `:""):"")+r+(r>=1?" second"+(r>1? ("IntersectionObserver"in window)||! Authorities have not made public the name of the accused. Always wait until lights have stopped flashing and gates are completely raised. The Turkish Foreign Ministry also released a statement after the accident: "We have learned with sorrow that many people lost their lives and were injured last night as a result of a train crash in our neighbor Greece. "Since the first moment, he has assumed responsibility proportionate to him . 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At least 57 people died when a passenger train slammed into a freight carrier late Tuesday at Tempe, 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens. 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Greece's railway is functional mainly because of the trained drivers and station masters, Tsouridis said. The Andria-Corato train collision happened late in the morning of 12 July 2016 when two regional passenger trains on a single-track section of the Bari-Barletta railway collided head-on between the towns of Andria and Corato in the Apulia region of southern Italy. ",skipmessage:"Skip ad in xx",skiptext:"Skip"},airplay:"AirPlay",audioTracks:"Audio Tracks",auto:"Auto",buffer:"Loading",cast:"Chromecast",cc:"Closed Captions",close:"Close",errors:{badConnection:"This video cannot be played because of a problem with your internet connection. Didn't think this would be one to hit that milestone.I did think about cancelling this but due to vast requests and seeing the TV film on this disaster I knew I had to give it a try. Victim in train incident is 66-year-old Brainerd man, police say The Brainerd police chief said the train operator told police he observed a man walking toward the tracks, get onto the. The collision follows a nationwide carnival at the weekend which ended with a public holiday on Monday. "s":""):"")}},1569:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.r(t),n.d(t,{getScriptPath:()=>o,loadFrom:()=>l,repo:()=>s,versionCheck:()=>a});var r=n(6601),i=n(7034);const o=function(e){{const t=document.getElementsByTagName("script");for(let n=0;n=0)return r.substr(0,t+1)}}}return""},s=function(){const e="//";return`${(0,i.isFileProtocol)()? A train hit a 14-year-old in Pauls Valley Tuesday afternoon on South Earl Street, according to police. BNSF works with Operation Lifesaver, which is a nonprofit safety education group in Minnesota, to educate the public on railroad safety. Remembering the day, pensioner Sylvia describes the moment her husband who was travelling on one of the trains walked through the door, having survived the horrific accident. "0":""}${s}`},d=e=>{if((0,i.i2)(e)&&(e=parseInt(e.toString(),10)),(0,i.i2)(e)||!isFinite(e)||e<=0)return"0 seconds";const t=Math.floor(e/3600),n=Math.floor((e-3600*t)/60),r=Math.floor(e%60);return(t?t+(t>=1?` hour${t>1? The remains were being returned to families in closed caskets following the identification of victims through next-of-kin DNA samples. Crossing anywhere else is illegal. No I don't care it doesn't look that much different. Greece train crash death toll rises to 57, expected to rise Woman gets 12 to 24 years for crash that killed Pa. firefighter At least 36 dead, 66 injured after trains collide in Greece: officials The only safe place to cross tracks is at designated public crossings with a crossbuck (X-shaped signs denoting a railroad crossing), flashing red lights or a gate. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. World Taiwan Train. Pantzartzidis did not specify which factors he believed were at play in the accident or give details about what procedures his client had not followed. }; // end config By David Brennan On 4/2/21 at 6:45 AM EDT. Most of the passengers involved in the accident were young, the head of the intensive care unit (ICU) at a local hospital where those with injuries are being treated, told state-owned public broadcaster ERT on Wednesday. Jennifer Kraus / Brainerd Dispatch. It was a major train wreck that shook Naperville's small town of 5,000 people. "cuetext": "Advertisement", Thomas Grosse 14 died several days later, Stephen Ward 16 would lose his battle for life on April 14. But it also tells a story of community working together. March 04, 2023 at 3:33 pm EST. The mans body was transported to the Ramsey County Medicals Examiners Office to determine the cause of death. The operator applied the brakes, but was not able to stop on time and hit the man. That day the Harrow Observer reported the horrific accident and 66 years later, getwestlondon pays tribute to the victims. Writing on Twitter, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said: "Sad thoughts after the terrible train accident near Larissa in Greece my heart goes out to the people of Greece and I express my sincere condolences to the victims and their families.". The tragedy would later claim two more lives and be remembered as the worst ever involving a New York state school bus. "repeat": false, Never pass flashing lights or go around lowered gates. "We just heard a bang the (train) car started spinning, before ending up sideways when we managed to exit," another male passenger told Greek public broadcaster ERT. ",cantPlayInBrowser:"The video cannot be played in this browser. Thank you so much guys! The company operates both passenger and freight transport. "controls": true, Your generous donations will enable me to continue my education and ensure future posts and educational films. Some 400 people were taken. The Greek railway company, Hellenic Train, said in a press release that there was "a head-on collision between two trains: a freight train and train IC 62 which had departed from Athens to Thessaloniki.". The detainee, who according to Greek state media reports was assigned his role about a month ago, appeared before a prosecutor on Thursday morning. He transferred back to the company in June 2022 and was appointed station master in Larissa, an important railway hub, in January, after five months training. "`),t.promise;return this.addPlugin(e).load()}addPlugin(e){const t=(0,i.Nq)(e);let n=l[t];return n||(n=new s.Z(e),l[t]=n),n}getPlugin(e){return l[(0,i.Nq)(e)]}removePlugin(e){delete l[(0,i.Nq)(e)]}getPlugins(){return l}},u=function(e,t,n){const r=c.addPlugin(e);r.js||r.registerPlugin(e,t,n)};function d(e,t){const n=e.get("plugins");window.jwplayerPluginJsonp=u;return(e.pluginLoader=e.pluginLoader||new o).load(t,c,n,e).then((t=>{if(!e.attributes._destroyed)return delete window.jwplayerPluginJsonp,t}))}},7164:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{MK:()=>s,Nq:()=>r,bX:()=>o});const r=function(e){const t=/\/((.(?!\/))+? JW Player version 8.26.7 ", French President Emmanuel Macron said on Twitter on Wednesday: "My thoughts go out to the families of the victims of the terrible accident that took place last night near Larissa. Survivors say the day has stayed with them all these years and they can remember the 'carnage . "outstream": false, Canadian Pacific Railway is under fire after leaving a 2.5-kilometre-long grain train parked without handbrakes last month high in the mountains of eastern B.C., above the site of a deadly runaway . (t=x(e),t||(n=document.getElementById(e))):"number"==typeof e?t=s.Z[e]:e.nodeType&&(n=e,t=x(||n.getAttribute("data-jwplayer-id"))):t=s.Z[0],t)return t;if(n){const e=new P(n);return s.Z.push(e),e}return{registerPlugin:u.f}},S=e=>{Object.defineProperties(e,{api:{get:()=>d,set(){}},version:{get:()=>p.i,set(){}},debug:{get:()=>h.Z.debug,set(e){h.Z.debug=Boolean(e)}}})};S(O);const E=O;var T=n(5882),A=n(6599),Z=n(676),_=n(5592),M=n(6769),F=n(9025);const I=w.ZP.extend,B={};B._=w.ZP,B.utils=Object.assign(b.Z,{key:A.ZP,extend:I,scriptloader:Z.ZP,rssparser:{parse:M.Z},tea:_.p,UI:T.ZP}),,B.vid=F.Z;const L=B;var N=n(7543);const D=/^(?:on(? Do not attempt to hop aboard railroad equipment at any time. Of the 285 passengers and crew on board, 151 died in New Zealand's worst railway accident. Bjorge said this BNSF train consisted of 127 carloads and was hauling coal. Supporters of the Greek Communist party gathered to protest the deaths of dozens of people late Tuesday, in Greece's worst recorded rail accident. Six people were killed and 100 injured as a result of a train crash in New South Wales 30 years ago. Seconds later an express train heading to Liverpool in the opposite direction, crashed into the debris and catapulted into a footbridge. Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. (function(playerConfig, testConfig) { Nearly 100 passengers were injured and one Amtrak employee was killed. The tragedy killed 112 people and injured 300 more and to date is the most catastrophic train crash to happen during peace time in England. Condolences have begun pouring in from across the world, as Greek government officials declared a three-day mourning period with flag at half-staff starting Wednesday. While this fatal incident is under investigation, BNSF believes every incident is preventable and staff works to educate the public on how to stay safe around the railroad, Bjorge said. ", The crash on October 8 1952 killed 112 people, An express train from Perth, Scotland collided at speed into the rear of the Tring to Euston local service passenger train that had stopped at the station, Seconds after the first collision the Euston to Liverpool express train, travelling at speed in the opposite direction, crashed into the debris, It was the worst peacetime rail crash in the UK, The remains of one of the steam locomotives being lifted from the track during the clear up operation, A rescue worker giving aid to a man who survived the triple train crash, The Harrow Observer reported the horrific accident the following day and 66 years later, getwestlondon pays tribute to the victims, It was a foggy morning in 1952, when a train speeding from Perth to Euston smashed into the back of a parked train at platform six of Harrow and Wealdstone station, Remembering the haunting day, Sylvia recalls her husband saying he was "very very lucky" to survive the triple train crash, The UK's most catastrophic train disaster happened 66 years ago today, That day the Harrow Observer reported the horrific accident and 66 years later, getwestlondon pays tribute to the victims, Hundreds of people arrived for the unveiling of the plaque in 2012 to commemorate the 112 people who lost their lives at Harrow and Wealdstone Station, People arrive to remember the tragedy 50 years on, Harrow and Wealdstone Train Crash Disaster 50th anniversary and unveiling of plaque, Sonic boom: RAF Typhoons scramble to intercept aircraft headed for London as huge bang heard for miles, The aircraft is being escorted to London Stansted Airport as video shows 'loud bang', The underrated seaside town named one of the coolest places to live where all the Londoners who have moved there are known as DFLs, According to one local Ramsgate is a 'lovely' place perfect for families, London bus 'attempted murder': Man, 20, named for first time as person accused of putting victim in 'critical condition' on Oxford Street, Oscar Castano-Colque has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly assaulting a passenger on a London bus, DWP issues new rules for people working while receiving Universal Credit - all you need to know, The scheme means that 120,000 people will have different requirements to continue receiving their payments, BBC EastEnders fan has wild pregnancy theory after 'spotting clue' in latest episode, A pregnancy would add even more drama to the love triangle currently taking place, ITV The Jonathan Ross Show: Andy Serkis' quiet life in North London with The Bill and Casualty actress wife and movie star kids, Andy isnt the only person in his family who has a talent for acting, ITV News' Ken Bruce tribute mix up leaves viewers seriously confused, Ken will be replaced with former Family Fortunes presenter Vernon Kay, ITV Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway viewers demand spin-off as they would 'happily watch an hour of it', ITV Good Morning Britain star Kate Garraway reveals financial struggles as she spent 10,000s adapting London home for Derek, Derek first fell ill with coronavirus in March 2020 and the virus has since been attacking his organs, Two men stabbed in South Norwood and one rushed to hospital as police call for witnesses, London weather map shows city bombarded with 18 hours of snow as Met Office warns it will be 'widespread and persistent', The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice next week, BBC Radio 2 Ken Bruce fans think they've spotted hidden meaning in the song choices at the start of his last ever show, The Radio 2 presenting legend has said he is being forced out early, BBC Radio 2 bombarded with complaints after 11-word thank you message to Ken Bruce, Listeners thought the veteran presenter deserved a better send-off, London weather: Updated map now shows giant wall of heavy snow and rain covering the entire country, 'I went to the North London sports bar with famous fried chicken and it was life-changing', This Upper Street spot may be my new favourite place to watch the Lionesses, RAF Typhoons scramble to intercept aircraft headed for London as huge bang heard for miles, The aircraft is being escorted to London Stansted Airport, Brilliant London Comic Con photos as Spider-Man, Stormtroopers and furries descend on West London.

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